Friday, April 1, 2011

Controversial And Confusing Nutrition Principles

By Katherine Crawford

The entire world is gaining weight at ever accelerating rates. In fact, excess body weight is intimately linked with the top causes of death in modern, western civilizations.

To further complicate matters, there is a wealth of confusing and contradictory information on how to eat right for fast weight loss.

So here are some overlooked aspects of fat loss nutrition:

1. Meat can be stored as fat in your body: Just because sources of protein have high thermogenic values does not mean they can't be stored as fat. In fact, your body is very efficient as storing protein as fat. So make sure you don't overdo it here.

2. High protein intakes don't spare muscle: In reality, carbohydrates spare muscle the best. You see, when you eat protein, your body becomes really good at burning protein for energy. If your body, on the other hand, has carbohydrates for energy, protein is spared.

3. Protein shakes are not superior: Just like carbohydrates, slower digestion rates are better here. Your body does best when supplied steady and slow amounts of protein. Thus, whole food will always trump protein powders here.

4. You can lose fat while eating carbs: Caloric intake is what controls fat loss, not carbohydrate intake. Keep in mind that you can keep your blood sugar levels low while eating a substantial amount of carbs. The key is to have balanced meals with a mound of vegetables.

5. Too much fruit is bad for you: In fact, it can be extremely bad if you have poor blood lipid profiles. You see, fruit activates the production of triglycerides and cholesterol in your liver. And if you already have high levels of either of these, limit fruit intake.

6. Plant saturated fat is healthy for you: Not all fats are created equal, and saturated fats are no exception here. You see, animal saturated fats are structurally different from plant saturated fats. In fact, coconut, a plant saturated fat, is considered a super food by some medical experts.

Nutrition for long term fat loss can be tricky or simple. If you buy into all the marketing hype out there, it can quickly become very confusing. So make sure you stick to what has been proven by peer reviewed research!

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