Saturday, April 2, 2011

5 Ways To Tweak Your Emotions For Better Exercise Sessions

By Katherine Crawford

Constantly pushing the envelope during your workouts is the best way to continually get results. It's not easy, but it will get you results.

And one extremely powerful way to push the envelope is with emotional modification. You see, your body works at maximum capacity when it has a high emotional load.

Thus, here is how to amplify your emotions for groundbreaking workouts:

1. Prime your psychological pump with routine: It will be much easier to tap into your emotions if you exercise at the same times week in and week out. You see, your body is more apt to release key substances if you have regularity in your workout regimen.

2. Have some caffeine: A little caffeine can go a long ways here. It gets your adrenal glands to secrete stress hormones which can help facilitate maximum power output. Just make sure you aren't desensitized to caffeine or this won't work very well.

3. Mentally agitate yourself: Now humans are very complex, you are very complex. So experiment with different methods here. Some people have success with meditation, others like to watch a motivational clip and others like to listen music. Pick the method that works best for you and use it right before exercise.

4. Increase blood flow: Not only does this get the mechanical elements of your body ready for exercise, but it facilitates the transport and uptake of key substances that are released with your emotional preparation. It's not just about getting the chemicals in your bloodstream, it's also about expediting their transport.

5. Replenish your stocks: The best way to replenish your stocks is by getting quality sleep every night. You see, all these different chemicals get reassembled and regenerated when you are going through the different sleep stages.

Emotional manipulation is a key ingredient for having the best workouts your body can handle. So don't wait to take action here because those that wait let their dreams vanish into thin air!

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7 Steps to Start Thinning Out Using A Tiny Amount Of Effort This Weekend

By Heather Mitchell

Using any HCG weight loss method is a revolutionary method of safely, effectively, and naturally burning fat in an effective manner. The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a glycoprotein produced in pregnant mothers by the embryo and then the placenta. It causes the body to burn fat away to use as food for the growing embryo.

However, this protein can also be used to assist in weight loss. With daily doses consisting of a small amount of this protein, up to two entire pounds of fat can be lost in a single day. If a diet of 500 calories is utilized, even more fat loss can occur with the help of this glycoprotein.

In 1950s India, a British endocrinologist noticed malnourished pregnant women still managed to give birth to healthy babies. Delving into this phenomenon, he discovered how HCG created fat loss without effecting any muscles. Once this discovery was made, he quickly turned it into a simple method of weight loss, which involved a low calorie diet along with daily doses of the glycoprotein. This fat loss technique was highly popular at the time of its discovery in the fifties and sixties, but lost steam as the years went on. Recently, an informative book and advertising infomercial has brought the effective method to light once again.

The main reason HCG is so effective and different from other methods of losing fat is that it attacks the core of the problem. Other programs will require hours of exercise and a reduction of food intake, which most participants have trouble adhering to.

This glycoprotein works because it restructures the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is a small section of the brain controlling wants and desires, as well as many other things. Eating behavior is one of them. With daily doses of this glycoprotein, the bad eating habits like emotional eating, binge eating, and others no longer occur. It is therefore a very easy method to continue with for long lengths of time.

The protocols for this glycoprotein are not difficult to adhere to, and many have agreed to this claim. Some people using it report to losing three to five pounds a day, which is one to three pounds more than usual. And the method used to take it in makes no difference in the outcome, either. Whether taken orally or injected, it instills the same outcomes. Being able to visibly see wight being shed each day is one of the most motivational ways to lose weight and stick to one method out there. Along with the doses, it is recommended that users go on daily hour long walks or longer, as well as do a few breathing exercises everyday to maximize the benefits of the glycoprotein.

Be sure to chose a well researched, specialized protocol when starting the HCG method. The ones that are skillfully planned out are set so that despite only taking in a limited number of calories, no exhaustion or weariness is felt. This is because this glycoprotein causes the body to burn around two or three thousand calories per day, which is enough to sustain the body with minimal food intake until the desired amount of weight loss has occurred.

The right protocol can cause the body to burn up to a maximum of three thousand calories per day, enough to keep the body healthy with the consumption of a few organic foods. HCG weight loss techniques are very effective methods of getting skinnier that should not be overlooked.

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Friday, April 1, 2011

How To Lose Weight

By Darlene Speaks

So you want to know how to lose weight in 2 weeks? It won't be easy, unless you are only very slightly over your target weight, but it is certainly possible. If you want to lose weight safely, you are much better off seeing these initial two weeks as the start of a consistent ongoing program. To give yourself the best chance of learning how to lose weight in 2 weeks, keep reading.

Lose Weight in 2 Weeks - Step 1 Setting realistic goals is vitally important in this situation. If you expect to lose too much weight, you could easily end up trying an extreme regimen that will be counter productive. Magic cures don't exist in weight loss, and it is critical not to over stretch and attempt too much. By following a realistic goal, such as, say, ten pounds lost, you can make a solid achievement.

Lose Weight in 2 Weeks - Step 2 To practice a weight loss program properly, you will need to know your optimum calorie intake. Any time you are over this limit, you are setting yourself back, so make sure you know it, and make sure you stick to it rigidly..

Lose Weight in 2 Weeks - Step 3 Perform regular exercise. Although it is possible to lode weight pure;y by dieting, you will never achieve the sort of results in a short space of time that you will by including vigorous exercise. Aerobic workouts which burn fat are easily the most effective, but do weight training as well if you want to. Your body will still burn calories, by exercising different muscle groups than usual. Be mentally prepared for the fact that you will need to do a lot of work to achieve much weight loss in two weeks!

Lose Weight in 2 Weeks - Step 4 Make the most use of free time. If you have set yourself such a close time target as two weeks, taking advantage of every spare moment makes perfect sense. Exercising can be done during short breaks in an office routine, often without anyone even realising you're doing them. If you can find ways to regularly make positive use of normally non productive time, it will help you meet your target.

Learning how to lose weight in 2 weeks is simple enough - it is a combination of frugal eating and a consistent exercise program to help remove excess fat. Click the links below for some useful tips on fast weight loss.

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Controversial And Confusing Nutrition Principles

By Katherine Crawford

The entire world is gaining weight at ever accelerating rates. In fact, excess body weight is intimately linked with the top causes of death in modern, western civilizations.

To further complicate matters, there is a wealth of confusing and contradictory information on how to eat right for fast weight loss.

So here are some overlooked aspects of fat loss nutrition:

1. Meat can be stored as fat in your body: Just because sources of protein have high thermogenic values does not mean they can't be stored as fat. In fact, your body is very efficient as storing protein as fat. So make sure you don't overdo it here.

2. High protein intakes don't spare muscle: In reality, carbohydrates spare muscle the best. You see, when you eat protein, your body becomes really good at burning protein for energy. If your body, on the other hand, has carbohydrates for energy, protein is spared.

3. Protein shakes are not superior: Just like carbohydrates, slower digestion rates are better here. Your body does best when supplied steady and slow amounts of protein. Thus, whole food will always trump protein powders here.

4. You can lose fat while eating carbs: Caloric intake is what controls fat loss, not carbohydrate intake. Keep in mind that you can keep your blood sugar levels low while eating a substantial amount of carbs. The key is to have balanced meals with a mound of vegetables.

5. Too much fruit is bad for you: In fact, it can be extremely bad if you have poor blood lipid profiles. You see, fruit activates the production of triglycerides and cholesterol in your liver. And if you already have high levels of either of these, limit fruit intake.

6. Plant saturated fat is healthy for you: Not all fats are created equal, and saturated fats are no exception here. You see, animal saturated fats are structurally different from plant saturated fats. In fact, coconut, a plant saturated fat, is considered a super food by some medical experts.

Nutrition for long term fat loss can be tricky or simple. If you buy into all the marketing hype out there, it can quickly become very confusing. So make sure you stick to what has been proven by peer reviewed research!

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